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Why Shopping in Supermarkets and Department Stores is Like Throwing Money in the Toilet

Updated on October 18, 2023
Fluoride Free Forever Bright Aloe Vera Based Toothgel.  Ships to many locations around the world.
Fluoride Free Forever Bright Aloe Vera Based Toothgel. Ships to many locations around the world. | Source

Why You Are Getting Ripped Off in the Personal Care Aisle

Everybody needs personal care items such as shampoo, soap, toothpaste, deodorant, mouthwash, and other assorted products too numerous to mention, but when you buy these products in your local supermarket, department store, or health food store, you ARE getting ripped off royally. That's a pretty bold statement, but I'm going to back it up with facts.

  1. Nearly every shampoo and conditioner in your local store the #1 ingredient on the label is water. Is that really what you want to pay for? Additionally, almost every shampoo contains SLS (sodium Laurel Sulfate) which is a major component in many engine de-greasers. Is that really what you want to be putting in your hair, plus chances are it's also being absorbed by your scalp and going into your body.
  2. Nearly every toothpaste sold commercially in stores contains Fluoride. Fluoride toothpastes ALL have a poison control warning on the label, because there is enough Fluoride in a tube of toothpaste to kill a child. Fluoride is one of the most toxic chemicals on the planet, and in fact it is responsible for more deaths, property damage, and cattle destruction than any other chemical on the planet.(FYI-If you live in an area where your municipal water is fluoridated, chances are it's done with hexafluorosilicic acid which is toxic chemical waste from fertilizer manufacturing operations) It may also be interesting to note, that NO Fluoride containing product has EVER been approved by the FDA.
  3. Many commercial antiperspirants contain Aluminum Chlorhydrate or Aluminum Zirconium Tetrachlorhydrex gly which has been associated with brain diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. You may be asking yourself "what's the difference between a deodorant and an antiperspirant?" A deodorant is something that masks and order, whereas an antiperspirant is something that blocks the sweat glands to prevent orders. Antiperspirants are regulated by the FDA, deodorants are not.

"The lethal dose of NaF (an artificial fluoride) is 50 times smaller than that of CaF2 (a naturally-occurring fluoride). - Dr. Hardy Limeback, biochemist and Professor of Dentistry, University of Toronto, former consultant to the Canadian Dental Association" Source: Just Think It

I've rambled enough about the personal care aisle, but I'm just getting started.

Sonya Hydrate Shampoo and Conditioner vs. a Leading Competitor


One Popular Vitamin Supplement Nutrition Facts vs. the Better Non-Store Brand


More Rip-Offs in the Health and Nutrition Aisle

Take a thorough look at the nutrition facts on the labels. Let's take protein powders for example. If you look at the labels, nearly all of them are deficient in the nutrients that are needed for good health and highly overpriced for what they provide. One particular case in point is some of the protein powders offered by that 3-letter nutrition store. This one provides only 10% to 25% of the minimum daily value of the vitamins, minerals, and protein that it does provide, and almost none of the necessary amino acids. Even one of the most popular protein powders offered by one of the non-store marketers is deficient in it's nutritional components. Another serious flaw is that the majority of them are whey based, which presents several other issues including being environmentally unfriendly, no good for people who are lactose intolerant, and not having the proper amino acid profile for healthy absorption in the digestive tract.

Most of the commercially offered vitamin preparations being offered in health food store, supermarkets, department stores, and pharmacies are so incredibly inferior to other products, that in many cases a person would almost be just as well off taking no vitamins at all. I will not mention the company, but I can point out to one popular vitamin preparation available in stores that provides only 1/6 the amount of vitamin C as a lower cost preparation that is not available in stores, or from distributors. The nutritional facts for the vitamin in the bottom two fact sheets is 10 times more bio-available than the one in the two top sheets, because it delivers nutrition via a patented system that mimics the way nature delivers vitamins from food. It also is 5 times more effective as an antioxidant. It's a "proven fact that taking a multi-vitamin that does not have this patented system will result in a huge spike in free radical activity in the body" Quoted from manufacturer's website (if you want to know, as me in private)

One of the major reason that traditional store-brand vitamins are essentially worthless is because they dissolve in the acidic environment of the stomach, where they are essentially destroyed before they reach the pH neutral environment of the digestive tract where they would ideally be absorbed. The patented technology incorporated into the multi-vitamin shown in the bottom two nutrition fact sheets, allows the vitamins and minerals to be protected until they reach the neutral environment of the digestive tract where they can be absorbed effeciently. This is accomplished by temporarily lowering the pH of the digestive tract, so the vitamins can still dissolve properly and be absorbed immediately by the body.

Vitamin labels do not give any indication of absorption rates. You would have to take 33 of the vitamins listed on the top two images vs. 1 daily dose of two recommended capsules from the patented technology in the previous paragraph.

1/2 oz Per Load Aloe Vera Based MPD 2X Ultra

1/2 oz per load delivered straight to your door.  Saves money, saves time, saves space, saves gas.  100% Satisfaction Guarantee Available in Many Countries Around the World..
1/2 oz per load delivered straight to your door. Saves money, saves time, saves space, saves gas. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee Available in Many Countries Around the World.. | Source

Would You Rather Do: Save Money or Waste Money?

Which is Better, Saving Money or Wasting Money

See results

More Wasteful Spending in the Household Cleaner and Detergent Aisles

Here it is again, #1 ingredient in almost all liquid cleaners sold in the store is water. The ones that are powders generally contain fillers and other ingredients that do absolutely nothing except take up space. Many of them also contain sulfates, phosphate, ammonia, and bleach, which are also totally not needed in cleaning products and are unhealthy for both people and the environment. When you are doing your laundry would you rather use 8 oz of laundry detergent or 1/2 oz of laundry detergent. Choose the latter and you save money, you save space, and you help save the environment from larger non-biodegradable plastic containers.

Most household cleaners also contain sodium laurel sulfate, which as mentioned previously, is a major component in many engine degreasers. Do you want to wash your clothes and your dishes in engine degreaser? I certainly hope that you don't. I certainly wouldn't. They are great alternatives available to the toxic and wasteful cleaning products being sold in your local supermarkets, department stores, and drug stores. You can find out more by visiting HERE.

Your Shopping List That You Waste Money On

Are You Wasting Money Buying This in a Store
Is There a Better Product Available?
Body Wash
First Ingredient is Water
First Ingredient is Water
Hand Sanitizer
First Ingredient is Water
Dishwashing Liquid
First Ingredient is Water
Most Contain Toxic Fluoride
Most Contain Aluminum Chlorhydrate or Derivitatives
Tub & Tile Cleaner
First Ingredient is Water, Most Contain Toxic Ingredients Such as Ammonia or Bleach
Laundry Detergent
First Ingredient is Water or Contains Fillers, Sulphates, or Phosphates
Laundry Brightener
Most Contain Bleach
Laundry Pre-Spot Stain Remover
First Ingredient is Water
Glass Cleaner
First Ingredient is Water, Most Contain Toxic Ammonia
Most Contain Harmful Ingredients
Vitamin Supplements
Most Are Not Readily Absorbed in the Digestive Tract


Shopping in supermakrets, department stores, and drug stores is a waste of time, money, and gasoline because most of the products sold there are either diluted with water or contain toxic chemicals that are bad for you and bad for the environment. There are better choices available elsewhere that will SAVE you money, SAVE you time, SAVE you gasoline, and protect the environment. Next time you go to your local supermarket, department store, or drug store and feel the urge to go to the personal care aisle, the home cleaning product aisle, or the nutriional supplement aisle, remember what you read here and DON'T DO IT!!! Your family will thank you, your heatlh will thank you, and the environment will thank you.

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This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. It is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and should not be substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters.

© 2014 John Fisher


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